Visas that the Republic of Korea issues to a foreign national are categorized by purpose of stay such as tourism, work, education, etc.
If you want to stay relatively in a long period, you can consider applying for the ones mainly covered by D, E, F visas among all the visas the Korean government issues.
Cultural Arts (D-1)
If you are planning to perform artistic or academic activities without any intention to make profits, you are eligible to apply for this visa. The activities covered by this type of visa include studying Korean traditional culture and art and learning from Korean experts • Maximum period of stay for first issuance: 2 years(extendable))
Study Abroad (D-2)
If you want to study, research or enroll in a full-time program(Bachelor’s, Master’s, Ph.D) at academic institutions(college or higher), you are eligible to apply for D-2. • Maximum period of stay for first issuance : 2 years(extension of stay will be granted in consideration of the school calendar)) Part-time work is allowed for foreign students and they may only engage in activities that students usually do as a part-time job. There are time limits; (undergraduate course & language training course) up to 20 hours per week; (postgraduate course & on thesis after completing postgraduate course) up to 30 hours per week. Time limit does not apply to holidays(including Saturdays) during the semester and the vacation.
Industrial Training (D-3)
If you plan to receive on-the-job training at Korean corporations that invest overseas or export to foreign countries, you are eligible to apply for D-3. In principle, this visa does not allow ‘participation in activities uncertified for current sojourn status’ so if you want to engage in activities uncertified for D-3, you may need to get permission.
• Maximum period of stay for first issuance : 2 years(extendable)
General Training (D-4)
You are eligible to apply for D-4, if you plan to research, study or train at an educational institute/organization for a D-2 visa or at an academic research center, corporation and other groups. In principle, D-4 holders are restricted to apply for ‘participation in activities uncertified for current sojourn statuses’.
• Maximum period of stay for first issuance : 2 years(extendable)
Journalism (D-5)
If you are dispatched to the Republic of Korea for news reporting and coverage from a foreign media outlet or are under the contract with a foreign media outlet, you are eligible to apply for D-5.
• Maximum period of stay for first issuance : 2 years(extendable)
Religious Affairs (D-6)
This visa is designed for a person who is a dispatched worker to the Republic of Korea from a foreign religious organizations or social service agency or engages only in social service activities upon the invitation of Korean religious organizations or social service agencies.
• Maximum period of stay for first issuance : 2 years(extendable)
Supervisory Intra-Company Transfer (D-7)
If you have worked at a foreign company, public institution or organization for at least one year and are going to be transferred to the affiliate, branch or local office situated in the Republic of Korea as an ‘indispensable professional specialist’ or you have worked at overseas corporations or Korean public companies for at least one year, and plan to receive or provide an on-the-job training or education for a professional skills or techniques in the main office, you are eligible for D-7.
• Maximum period of stay for first issuance : 2 years(extendable)
* D-5, D-6, D-7 holders may receive formal school education within the period of stay without permission as long as it is consistent with their original purpose of stay. D-5, D-6, D-7 holders may also engage in activities as a foreign language instructor(E-2) for colleagues in the workplace or volunteer activities as a foreign language instructor without any intention to make profits without permission.
Corporative Investment (D-8)
If you engages in the administrative management or production technology of a foreign investment company; owns a cutting-edge technology and founds a venture company; invests and engages in the administrative management or production technology of a company managed by a Korean national, you are eligible to apply for D-8.
• Maximum period of stay for first issuance : 2-5 years(extendable)
Trade Management (D-9)
This visa is issued to a foreigner who has received a Trade Business Code from the head of a Korea International Trade Association and engages in corporate management, international trade, profit making business; has been invited or dispatched to a company introducing industrial equipment and provide the company with a necessary set of skills for installment, management and maintenance of the equipment; has been dispatched for supervision of ship building or industrial equipment building.
• Maximum period of stay for first issuance : 2years(extendable)
Professorship (E-1)
If you are qualified to teach or research at a community college or higher; a technical expert in advanced science who is to engage in teaching or researching at a community college or higher, you are eligible to apply for E-1.
• Maximum period of stay for first issuance : 5years(extendable)
Foreign Language Instructor (E-2)
This visa is designed for a foreign language instructor. If you are a citizen and graduated from a university and received a bachelor’s degree from a country which speaks the language you are going to teach you are eligible to apply. If you are selected or recruited as a (elementary, middle, high) school teacher, you are qualified to apply.
• Maximum period of stay for first issuance : 2years(extendable)
Research (E-3)
• This visa is issued to a natural science researcher or an industrial technology researcher at a research institution in accordance with related laws.
• Maximum period of stay for first issuance : 5 years(extendable)
Technology Transfer (E-4)
You are eligible to apply for E-4, if you are providing a set of skills to Korean citizens or Korean companies in accordance with a technology transfer contract; providing set of skills that is otherwise unattainable in the Republic of Korea to public or private companies.
• Maximum period of stay for first issuance : 5 years(extendable)
Professional Employment (E-5)
If you have a license which Korean Laws acknowledges and allows for her/him to practice such as a pilot, doctor ( recommended by the relevant Korean governmental authorities), you are eligible to apply for E-5.
• Maximum period of stay for first issuance : 5 years(extendable)
Art and Performances (E-6)
If you engage in activities such as any artistic, musical, literature activities that generates incomes/profits or any performing activities such as entertainment, playing musical instruments, theater, athletic events or fashion modeling which generates profits or incomes, you are eligible to apply for E-6.
• Maximum period of stay for first issuance : 2 years(extendable)
Special Occupation (E-7)
This is issued for a foreigner who works in 'the special activities' that are specially designated by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea.
• The special designated activities for this visa cover occupational fields so broadly that in result you may consider to apply for this, if you are working in the Republic of Korea, yet your occupation does not fall into other visa categories. Some examples of the special activities include; production manager, educational director, sales director, agricultural and forestry, fishery director, mechanical engineer, executives of an enterprise, cook, translator, interpreter, designer, etc.
• Maximum period of stay for first issuance : 3 years(extendable)
Non Professional Employment (E-9)
E-9 is issued under the Employment Permission Policy which allows an employer to hire a foreigner, and which gives the employee up to 4 year and 10 month sojourn period. Since August, 2004, the policy is ran via MOUS with 15 different countries (the Philippines, East Timor, Uzbekistan, Kirgizstan, China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia, Nepal, Mongol, Cambodia). So, basically, you can apply for E-9 only if you are a citizen of one of the countries listed above.
• Under 300 number of Permanent employees (standard: employee insurance) or a small to medium company which has 8 billion KRW or below worth of capitals will be allowed to hire foreign workers.
• Maximum period of stay for first issuance : 3 years(extendable)
Family Visitation (F-1)
If you are visiting family or relatives in the Republic of Korea or a family of an overseas Koreans visa (F-4) holder or a Resident visa (F-2) holder or a household employee of a staff member at a diplomatic mission abroad in Korea, you are eligible to apply for F-1.
• Maximum period of stay for first issuance : 2 years(extendable)
Residential (F-2)
F-2 visa is issued for those who are planning to stay in the Republic of Korea or a family in order to receive a permanent resident permit. If you are recognized as a ‘refugee’; a foreign born-child of a Korean national; a spouse or a child of someone who has F-5 Residential status, you are eligible to apply for F-2.
• Maximum period of stay for first issuance : 3 years(extendable)
Spouse of a Korean National (F-6)
If you are a spouse of a Korean citizen or raising a child born between a Korean citizen and yourself (including de facto marital relationship), as a father or a mother, you are eligible to apply for F-6 visa.
• If you are residing in the Republic of Korea but unable to continue your marriage due to the reasons beyond your control such as death or missing of your spouse, you are also eligible to apply for F-6 visa.
• Maximum period of stay for first issuance : 3 years(extendable)